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Our Sunday Gatherings

When, Where & Parking

ARE YOU A VISITOR? TEXT : 506-634-1688 "VISITOR" then Register as a Guest at CT or go to the website: CLICK HERE

10:30AM: Morning Worship Service w/:

-Baby Ark Nursery (Ages 0-2)

-Deeper Kids (Ages 3-Grade 5)

6:00PM: Various Events

Check Out Our Calendar and weekly Bulletin for a complete list of events at CT

Calvary Temple Church Parking Area on site is very small (with only approximately 10 spots) and reserved for our physically challenged or seniors who cannot safely or easily park elsewhere

All parking is free in the Uptown area of the City of Saint John after 6PM on weekdays and on weekends:


There are a very limited number parking spots normally available on the proper side of the street (see posted street signs for details) 

-IN CITY LOTS (other than parking garages)

Best parking for evening/weekend events in close proximity to Calvary Temple Church is:

(Click on map to go to google Maps)

       #1: The Horizon Health Parking Lot on the corner of Duke and Sydney Streets (half block away from Calvary Temple Church) with parking for approximately 44 cars (we have permission to use this weekday evenings after 6PM and on weekends).


       #2: St. Malachy’s High School has graciously opened to us their approximately 30 parking space parking lot on Sydney Street (located half a block from Calvary Temple Church).


       #3: We have written consent to use the Irving Oil Home Office parking lot on the corner of Princess & Charlotte Streets on Sundays & weekday evenings after 6PM  (60 spaces).


       #4: The City of Saint John Trinity Royal Parking Lot on Charlotte Street next to RBC (located two and a half blocks northwest of CT) has more than 30 parking spaces.


       #5: There is lots of on-street parking on the north side of King Street East (between Sydney Street and Carmarthen Street) located two & a half blocks north of Calvary Temple Church with more than 20 parking spots.


       #6: The City of Saint John Parking Lot located near 9 Sydney Street behind Service New Brunswick (3 blocks north of Calvary Temple Church) has more than 30 parking spaces.

#8: The City of Saint John Parking Lot located on the corner of Charlotte Street and Queen Street near 76 Queen Street (3 blocks south of Calvary Temple Church) has 30 spots.

Unfortunately, during the WEEK DAY HOURS there is normally very limited parking in the south central peninsula surrounding Calvary Temple Church. 2 hour on-street parking can be found as the best first option. Most of the City of Saint John parking lots require paid monthly passes during week days. The Brunswick Square, Market Square, and Sewell/Carleton Street hourly paid parking garages (all located between 5 and 10 city blocks away) are also options for those who can easily walk the long distance.  

-Please call Calvary Temple Church at 1-506-634-1688 if you need any further assistance-

First time here?

What to expect

What To Expect When Visiting Calvary Temple Church Sunday Services & Events

Variety … that’s what you’ll find when you visit our services or events. But one thing you should always expect at Calvary Temple Church is a personal, uplifting worship experience. Our services are geared for participation. We typically worship as we live, with enthusiasm.


Bible Classes For All Ages

Throughout our church schedule we have personalized Bible study groups divided by age, grade and interests serving individuals from infants through senior adults.


Child Care

Our “Baby Ark” Nursery is available for parents  to bring their children for our Sunday AM services for infants and toddlers. A livestream of our service is available in our Nursery area. 


Children’s Worship

Bible-oriented activities are for preschool and elementary-age children in our “Deeper Kids.” At this level, young children are taught to sing, pray, memorize Scripture and learn important Bible truths. They are instructed and led in worship at their own levels.


Music & Worship Experience

Music is a major feature of our worship, before, during and even after the service itself. Instruments may range from piano and organ to synthesizers, guitars, horns and drums, to full-scale orchestras.

Calvary Temple Church makes music more than a performance; it’s the music of worship.


In everything, a flow of worship should be evident and, despite the spontaneity and excitement, a certain properness and order. Worship styles will reflect the spectrum of personalities. Some are quiet and reserved; some shout with joy; others are simply tender and openly emotional during times of praise or preaching. No sincere worshipper need feel out of place at Calvary Temple Church. And each expression will blend without disruption into the flow of worship.


Prayer & Ministry to the Sick

A special time in each worship service is devoted to prayer. Needs from inside and outside the church family frequently are made known. The congregation prays together. All may pray aloud but conclude with a single voice, the worship leader or other designated person praying in behalf of all.


As in the New Testament, specific prayer may be offered for the sick. They will sometimes be invited forward to be anointed with oil (James 5:13-16) and/or have the ministers, leaders or other believers lay hands on them and pray (Mark 16:18).


Spiritual Gifts

An interesting aspect of worship at Calvary Temple is the operation of spiritual gifts. The planned service order may be suspended as individuals speak or share as prompted by the Holy Spirit, under the supervision of the pastor (1 Corinthians 12-14).One may speak out in an unknown tongue, a Spirit-guided language other than that of the congregation. Another individual, or perhaps the same one, will then give the interpretation. On occasion, the Spirit may prompt someone to speak out, to prophesy, in the language of the congregation. The gift of prophecy, the gift of tongues and the gift of interpretation, and other spiritual gifts bring the church immediate challenge and confirm Bible truths.


Challenging Messages

The climax of the service comes with the preaching of God’s Word, the Bible, and an invitation for hearers to respond. The messages are fervent, inspiring and practical. Often everyone is invited to come pray during the altar service. Deep emotion and excitement may or may not be demonstrated at the altars, but everyone who calls on God in faith receives something.


If you’ve wondered what a Pentecostal service is like, we invite you to join us at Calvary Temple Church to observe and experience God’s joy and peace that defy description. And when you visit again, come expecting. Expect a move of God not only in the service, but also in your life. We think you’ll agree that the comfort, help and strength He gives are better experienced than explained.